Making Dreams Come True

Yesterday was incredible. We finished Digital Business –study module with 70 students at Laurea. The studies were intertwined closely with real-life business. I wanted to share my thoughts and tell you a little about the impact, as I believe that we made some dreams come true.

The heroes of Laurea's Digital Business study module autumn 2015

The impact of the Digital Business –study module

We had 70 skilled students in this course. Based on a feedback survey we collected some statistics for you.

  • 22 jobs for students (worked as a bridge to help work life and students find each other)
  • 19 students aiming to go study/work abroad in 2016-2017 (one internship position in New York!)
  • 20+ real-life connections with companies, guest lectures and partnership projects during the program
  • 500+ individual blogposts by students reflecting their learnings
  • 2 most talented bloggers got a chance to guest-blog for (MMA)
  • 87% of students considered a huge improvement in their language skills (English)
  • First ever university in Finland to broadcast a lecture with Periscope 22.10.2015
  • Finally, 540 people live following our Periscope broadcast “Final Ceremony”10.12.2015
    –> SOME phenomena!

Also, my great colleague Anna Ikonen wrote a nice detailed blog about the project from her point of view.

Over 500 people in Periscope at Laurea's Digital Business Final CeremonyFeelings from the Final Ceremony Periscope broadcast 10.12.2015. Photo by Timo Helosuo.

Personal learnings

I am feeling extremely grateful. I have had the luxury to work with these incredible talented students and amazing business people. Sometimes I have felt like I have been totally absorbed by this project, almost losing myself in the work – in a good sense, having the flow 🙂

We, together with the students, have tried to constantly create something new (work life integration, periscope streaming, online exams, new learning platforms, etc.). It has not always been easy and there has been some inevitable set backs, but I believe that obstacles and failures are to be learned from. We wanted to be flexible, eager to go forward, and always aim for the next level.

I am very proud of our students. We have tried our best to become pioneers of digital age education. We have been deeply passionated about this and I believe we have made history together. I will never forget this. We made dreams to become reality.

But this is not the end, rather the first step. We have some amazing plans in our pockets for the next semester and I will definitely let you know about them. Until next time, thanks to everyone who was involved, and have a relaxing Christmas time.

Please enjoy some videos by our magnificent students!

Digital Business Season II – coming soon, stay tuned

Blogging lesson

How to make a video

Feelings from the course: Final presentation

Digital Coaches presentation of the Study module

Finally, some excellent blogs by students


Nelli Laurila Way to the digital
Mira Niemi Learning in digital world
Camilla Fagerström Digi Cami
Linda Knuutila Linda’s digi life
Tanja Heikkinen Digital business
Hannah King Hannahs digitalla
Lasse Lehtisalo Digital business blog
Laura Laukka Laura’s digi vision